How does a Desert Storm veteran survive 24 hours in four-point restraints in a maximum-security VA psychiatric hospital to earn a faculty appointment to Northeast Medical School, win numerous national advocacy awards, and to lecture in Ivy League Universities.
Eric Arauz has an ACE score of 9 and has been living with Bipolar 1 disorder since 1996 with three long-term hospitalizations. He is sober over 17 years and is a multiple suicide attempt survivor after his honorable discharge from the US Navy following a deployment during Operation Desert Storm. Eric suffers from complex trauma due to his child abuse at the hands of a father with acute mental illness that attempted to end his life and PTSD from being held in restraints for over 24 hours
Eric travels the world lecturing and keynote speaking in maximum-security psychiatric hospitals and major Vegas venues trying to save a Vietnam Veteran father that died homeless due to untreated mental illness and to change a Behavioral Health system for his beautiful 4-yr-old daughter.
He is one of the most sought after trauma-informed recovery consultants and behavioral health keynote speakers in the country, recently keynoting the 26th US Psychiatric and Mental Health Congress in Las Vegas, NV, the American Psychiatric Nurses Convention in Louisville, KY, and numerous national university events etc. He is currently working with Psych Congress and NACCME to create a National Trauma Institute.
His book An American’s Resurrection is exploding across the US and has been called the… “most devastating account of the pain, anguish and recovery of serious mental illness, addiction and lethal child abuse ever written!”
His book is being used in Medical, Nursing and Social Work Schools, Liberal Arts Universities and VA Hospitals from coast to coast
In this webinar, author Eric Arauz, will discuss how written and oral storytelling saved his life through the concept of Conscious Storytelling*: a trauma-based, cognitive and somatic integrative written and oral personal narrative technique, Eric created that has earned him his medical school appointment, has him hosting Grand Rounds from UCLA to Beth Israel in NYC and placed him as faculty member on SAMHSA’s 5-year Recovery to Practice Grant.
His mission is to ignite people with lived behavioral health issues and their families to fully live by integrating their somatic triggers into their oral catharsis allowing the storyteller the freedom of a moment innocent of their past and pain.