Thoughts from One to Another

Sometimes when I walk the world I wish you knew me.
I also wish I knew me too.
Only memories plague my mind.
But, the memories don’t tell me who I am or whether I ever knew who I was.
It’s just blank.

I am more than I see.
I am stronger than I think.
I am more knowledgeable and wise than I am aware of.

While everyone wants money and fame,
I want freedom from the chains which hold me captive to my own mind.
I want peace to fill my mind, body, and soul.
I want to be able to feel love and true happiness.
These are worth more than money and fame to someone like me.

I am more than I see.
I am stronger than I think.
I am more knowledgeable and wise than I am aware of.

You have a voice.
You are worth more than you think.
You deserve love.
You deserve to fully experience a full life.
You will believe in this one day too,
Until that day,
Leave it to me to show you. 

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