
Something I Am Proud Of:

I am most proud of healing the relationships with my family and being able to work on my passions again. In 2009, I was a full-time artist and did show after show, spinning into mania until I crashed into a depression. During treatment, I learned to slow down on work and I began to mend the relationships with my family. That took time and patience because even though I was healing, they still carried the hurt I caused during my years of swings. In recovery, I could recognize the toll my illness took on them and needed to take responsibility by taking medication and building a stable life so we all could heal. I am happy to say; I am in Bipolar remission and have a well-balanced work and family life.

Advice for Newly Diagnosed:

Take recovery slowly and day by day because proper recovery and wellness takes time and a lot of strength! There may be days you feel you failed, but know, one day(s) doesn’t erase all the monumental work you are doing to recover. It can also be hard separating yourself from your diagnosis in the first years, and you may also feel disconnected from who you were, so just like you would book appointments to the Doctor, book appointments to rediscover yourself, that could be anything from a new exercise routine to Art classes. I found taking something new not only got me out of bed on down days, but kept me in a routine of ongoing wellness and self-discovery.

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