
Something I`m Proud of In My Journey:

At first, when I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder Type 1 back in 2022, I did not accept the mental disorder and did not take my medications as the doctor instructed. It was a huge mistake. This erratic behavior led me to depressive and manic episodes that led me to hospitalizations. These were very difficult times for me and my family. For example, during a manic episode, I insulted my family since I distorted reality by thinking they were my enemies. Afterwards, I felt very bad and I have realized that it takes time, inner strength, and psychotherapy to heal. It was not until July 2024 that I accepted bipolar disorder and I decided to commit to a routine and to create healthy habits, even though it is sometimes challenging. I am blessed that I can count with my family and my friends who are my support group. Having Faith has also helped me in my healing process since I now accept the things I cannot change and try to focus on the present.

One of the proudest moments of my Bipolar Journey has been having self-compassion in order to accept and treat the disorder correctly. Taking my medications as the doctor instructs, having psychotherapy, and joining a support group are examples of what I have done in order to be stable. Another proud moment of my Bipolar Journey is that I have shared my challenges (stories) in social media in order to educate people about Bipolar Disorder. The outcome I want from this  journey is to break down stigma and normalize this mental illness like any other physical one.



Message for those Newly Diagnosed:

Even though it is difficult to accept bipolar disorder, patients need to try to stick to the doctor’s instructions since it is a mental illness that deals with an imbalance of the neurotransmitters. It is important to be aware of the symptoms and seek professional help if needed in order to avoid depressive or manic episodes, which can lead to hospitalizations.

Implementing a consistent daily routine helps maintain stability by exercising, sleeping well, practicing mindfulness, among others.

It is important for bipolar patients to know that they are not alone. Bipolar Disorder is treatable and people who suffers from this illness can live a happy life by sticking to a good treatment plan.

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