GAMIAN-Europe strives to ensure that the voice of the patient is heard, appreciated and actively considered whenever issues relating to mental health, both present and future, are discussed in whichever arena and whatever level. Our organisation unites more than 80 national associations from 37 countries from Iceland on the North, Malta on the South, Russia on the East, and Portugal on the West. We also have associated members from Australia, Brazil, Canada, and South Africa.

The goals of GAMIAN-Europe:

To improve the provision, reliability and quality of information on mental illnesses for patients, relatives and carers.

To reduce stigma, prejudice, ignorance and misinformation surrounding mental illness.

To promote collaboration within the mental health field amongst those working in research, education and training at national and pan European levels who support the aims and objectives of GAMIAN-Europe.

To assist in improving the training, education and understanding of health professionals and other personnel responsible for the delivery of mental health services in Europe

To improve awareness, knowledge and understanding of the public, the politicians and the press with regard to mental disorders.

To promote a positive message that mental illness can be treated effectively by a variety of means.

To promote collaboration within the mental health field amongst those working in research, education and training at national and pan European levels who support the aims and objectives of GAMIAN-Europe.

To assist in the creation, growth and development, where appropriate, of patient groups in all European States focusing on mental heath.

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