The Powerful Impact of Yoga and Meditation with Bianca Zable

Bianca is an integrative health and wellness educator, yoga and mindfulness teacher, and social change entrepreneur. She is Founder of Be Integrative Wellness, an integrative health and wellness firm, yoga instructor, somatic experiencing practitioner-in-training and social change entrepreneur. Bianca’s intention is to be in service to the fullness of the human potential. After receiving a bachelor of Science majoring in Allied Health and Health Promotion, bachelor of Arts majoring in Fine Arts, certifications as a Hatha Yoga Instructor and Shambala Reiki Master, she began to empower wholeness at the individual, social, and worldly levels – deepening the awareness and impact of her students and clients.

Bianca will share how Yoga can help many symptoms of depression and bipolar disorder, including mood swings, fear, anxiety, tension, and lethargy. By opening your body and centering your mind, you can balance the ups and downs of bipolar mood swings and change anxiety to calmness, sadness to happiness, and lethargy to vitality. Yoga can help relax the mind and body for those who suffer from insomnia or other sleep problems, resulting in a deeper and more regular sleep. Also, studies show that even gentle yoga exercises done with moderate effort are good enough to put you on track to meet your weight loss goals.

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