Sarah Freeman is an Australian lawyer and journalist now living in the US:
“Moving overseas was the culmination of my worse ever manic episode. I threw away my marriage, my career, my savings – my whole life. It should have ended in disaster but there was a silver lining. My world fell apart so completely that I ended up in psychiatric care, and was finally diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I was well into my forties and my diagnosis came just in time to save my life. Now, six years later I am stable and well and have never been happier.”
Sarah is the author of the best selling e-book “The Bipolar Diet” and operates the Bipolar Lives website (, a unique combination of personal stories, practical tools and up-to-date information on many aspects of living successfully with bipolar disorder. She is also the donor and administrator of the Bipolar Lives Scholarship, established in 2008 to support higher education for students with bipolar disorder.