Kim Barnett

Something I Am Proud Of:

I was diagnosed more than 16 years ago, and have struggled tremendously with my diagnosis. Through all of the bumps in the road, I have never given up on myself. There have been times when I’ve been overwhelmed by this disorder, but I continue to seek out and ask for help, when I know I can’t do it on my own.  I’m proud that this disorder has not silenced me or forced me to feel like I have to hide my struggles. I’ve learned that asking for help does not make you weak, but shows courage and a longing for resilience. 

Advice For Newly Diagnosed:

Acceptance of your diagnosis is the key to moving in a positive direction. Remember that your diagnosis does not define who you are. It’s something you have that needs to be treated. Finding a balance in life is extremely important. For me, talk therapy, medication and a daily routine, are crucial for me to maintain this balance. We are not all the same, so try to find what works best for you. Remember you’re not alone, and help is there if you seek it out.

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