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Alexis A. Zinkerman

Alexis A Zinkerman is a writer, author, journalist, and advocate. She holds two Master’s degrees, one in Writing from DePaul. She is the author of Brooklyn’s Song, a novella about teen suicide and its consequences and healing. She is content creator at the...

Jealousy And Bipolar: Lies My Head Tells Me

By: Alexis Zinkerman I was chatting with another bipolar friend this weekend on the phone and the topic of conversation turned to jealousy. And I started to wonder how many other bipolar people struggle with the green-eyed monster old envy. Is this a feeling that goes...

Learning About Nutrition May Hint To Better Mental Health

By: Alexis Zinkerman  I wanted to find out more about this new terminology going around the internet called nutrition psychiatry. I interviewed Dr. Drew Ramsey who can be found at Dr. Ramsey is a psychiatrist, author, farmer, and founder of the Brain...

Meditation: Good For Overall Sense Of Well-Being

By: Alexis Zinkerman I try to sit on my yoga mat for 20 minutes in meditation a few days a week. I feel mentally and physically balanced. But I am no expert in meditation. I had some questions about my practice and my meditation teacher at the zendo was half a country...

Author Melody Moezzi Talks About Mental Health And Muslims

By: Alexis Zinkerman I interviewed Melody Moezzi, an Iranian-American bipolar Muslim feminist activist, an attorney, a writer and author of the award-winning books War on Error: Real Stories of American Muslims and Haldol and Hyacinths: A Bipolar Life. She blogs...
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We want to see you at Starry Night!


Paul English Talks!


Hear his powerful story of co-founding 6 start-ups and founding 4 non-profits including the Bipolar Social Club!

Stay tuned for more exciting details!