A Statement of Solidarity

The senseless acts of racism and violence that have unfolded over the last several weeks serve as a stark reminder of the devastation wrought by centuries of enslavement, bigotry and discrimination. These acts have been a deeply upsetting, unsettling and painful reminder for everyone that equality is not yet a reality. We stand united in the belief that black lives and black mental health matter, and we will continue to take a stand for the black community.

The legacy of a separate yet unequal healthcare system, born of legalized segregation, has continued to affect generations of Blacks, limiting access to care and increasing stigma associated with mental health conditions. Discrimination of any kind is an anathema to our values, yet we know we need to do more to level the scales in mental health community for Blacks, Indigenous Peoples and other People of Color.

We call on everyone to work to help each other heal both our minds and other bodies, to impact the hearts of children and work together with the vision and promise of America that so many Civil Rights leaders have fought and died for over centuries. We believe that all people are equal. We also believe that all people have the capacity to have the conversations and take the actions that will build trust, respect, understanding and love for one another.

You are not alone. Your families are not alone. We are here for you.

IBPF Directors and Staff


A personal message from IBPF Honorary Board Member and American Journalist, Jayson Blair

“I know that reading all the words of this note may be painful for many of you. But I would encourage you to read them. They are just as painful for me and it is very difficult for me to say…


You are the ones who are bending toward justice. And we need you now.”

Continue reading Jayson’s message here.
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