Aarti Girdhar

Aarti Girdhar is finishing her Ph.D in physics. Her fight with the bipolar disorder, as a caregiver of a loved one, got her interested into mental health issues. She dreams of a fair and just world for every living being and believes each one of us have to contribute to achieve this. Contributing to the area of mental health is a small step in this direction for her. Being a particle physics researcher(where one studies fundamental building blocks of the universe) by training, she aims to look for the issues related to mental health at the fundamental level. As we learn in research, in order to find a solution , defining the problem clearly is the first step. And a single problem solved at the fundamental level gives solution to several problems at the superficial level. Her specific aim is to work towards having support systems for the care givers/families and reduce stigma attached to the mental illnesses. 

Aarti also writes for her personal blog at http://aartiramana.blogspot.in/

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Paul English Talks!


Hear his powerful story of co-founding 6 start-ups and founding 4 non-profits including the Bipolar Social Club!

Stay tuned for more exciting details!