Amor Ranosa

My name is Amorlina L. Ranosa, but people call me Amor. I am 34 years old and was born August 11, 1982 in Manila, Philippines. I am currently teaching in a private school here in the Philippines. My interests includes painting, making art projects, writing blogs, reading books, singing and making myself productive by doing side businesses. I am also an environmentalist and an advocate against stigma for people diagnosed with mental illness.

I am a living with my mother and my 6-year-old son; I am single mom. Of all of these things, one thing that makes me interested in being a blogger here at IBPF is because of my illness: I have bipolar disorder.

I was diagnosed in the year 2009 after giving birth to my son. I have been in and out of the institution for people with mental disorders. I have experienced living on the street, was sexually harassed, beaten and all the other things one can ever imagine.

Currently, I am trying my best to cope with this illness through medication and lifestyle change, and hopefully soon I will be able to afford neurotherapy to further treat my illness.

For now, I will be very much interested in sharing my experiences, struggles and triumph over this illness to inspire other people who are suffering as well as their loved ones to continue striving to be victorious against this illness through writing blogs for International Bipolar Foundation. 

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We want to see you at Starry Night!


Paul English Talks!


Hear his powerful story of co-founding 6 start-ups and founding 4 non-profits including the Bipolar Social Club!

Stay tuned for more exciting details!