Broken to Blessed

It took Sara 25 years, 5 psychiatrists and 7 medications to finally get the diagnosis that saved her life. She has a bipolar II brain on the bipolar spectrum. This webinar will go over her journey – from broken to blessed on the bipolar spectrum, preventative practices for a healthy brain, and Sara’s take on bipolar pride. Dr. Jim Phelps will be sharing his expert insights as well! Have your questions ready!

Sara Schley is the leader of Seed Systems, an international consulting collaborative that she founded in 1994 to create a regenerative, inclusive, and kinder world. She has worked with over 50 enterprises and 1000s of individuals in every sector. A social change entrepreneur, Sara has co-founded several networks including The SoL Sustainability Consortium, Women in Power, and most recently, WeTheChange.

Sara is also the author of the acclaimed memoir, BrainStorm: From Broken to Blessed on the Bipolar Spectrum. She is a mother, grandmother, community leader, and has been married to a great guy for twenty-six years. Sara is choosing to tell her riveting story – from broken to blessed – to save lives, end stigma, and optimize healing for millions.

Dr. Phelps focused his practice on complex mood disorders for over 20 years. In addition to full-time patient care, from which he is now mostly retired, he has published multiple articles on bipolar disorders and the “Collaborative Care Model”, a system of psychiatric consultation in primary care. He currently serves as Research Editor for the Psychopharmacology Institute, preparing monthly “Quick Take” podcasts summarizing recent psychiatric articles. He is an emeritus member of the faculty for the psychiatry residency program in his hospital system; and founder of, a website with detailed information on bipolar disorders for patients and families. His books include Why Am I Still Depressed? and A Spectrum Approach to Mood Disorders, the latter for professionals and highly interested laypeople.

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We want to see you at Starry Night!


Paul English Talks!


Hear his powerful story of co-founding 6 start-ups and founding 4 non-profits including the Bipolar Social Club!

Stay tuned for more exciting details!