Honoring Mothers and the Importance of Self-Care

Happy Mother’s Day! Tamu Lewis joins us to honor mothers and discuss the importance of self-care & love.

Tamu Lewis, MBA, is the Co-Founder and Board President of the Lee Thompson Young (LTY) Foundation , a non-profit organization dedicated to mental health education. She founded the LTY Foundation as a living legacy to her brother, actor, Lee Thompson Young, whom she lost to suicide in 2013. Knowing that her brother struggled with bipolar disorder and suffered in silence, Tamu is passionate about promoting mental wellness in schools, communities, and organizations. Her personal experience in helping families cope with mental illness includes her relationship with her mother-in-law and her oldest daughter, both of whom live with diagnosed mental illnesses. Tamu has gained invaluable life lessons and practical solutions to the challenges faced by families seeking to support their loved ones in times of mental and emotional crises.

International Bipolar Foundation is incredibly grateful for the invaluable role of “the Birds” play in caring for their children with bipolar disorder. We are here to provide education and connection for mothers, so check out more of our Birds videos and resources on our website.

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We want to see you at Starry Night!


Paul English Talks!


Hear his powerful story of co-founding 6 start-ups and founding 4 non-profits including the Bipolar Social Club!

Stay tuned for more exciting details!