How to Navigate Educational Services in a School Environment

Dr. Sara Frampton has experience in both psychology and education. She has a BA in Psychology from The George Washington University, a Masters in Education from the University of Virginia, an M.S. in Counseling from San Diego University and a Ph.D. in Psychology from USIU/Alliant University.

She started teaching Special Education in 1977. She holds credentials to teach in Virginia, New York, and California. Current credentials include:

·      Clear Specialist Instruction Credential in Special Education

·      Authorized Field: Learning Handicapped

·      Clear Multiple Subject Teaching Credential

·      Clear Pupil Personnel Services Credential

·      Specialization: Basic Pupil Personnel Services

·      Resource Specialist Certificate of Competence

·      Clear Administrative Services Credential (Examination)

·      Community College Counselor Credential- Lifetime

·      Community College Instructor Credential in Psychology- Lifetime

Dr. Frampton is a Licensed Educational Psychologist, (LEP 1445) and a Marriage/Family Therapist (MFC 20038). She has been a Special Educational Advocate since 1982.



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