Love, Marriage & Bipolar Disorder

Long time married couple, Ron and Beka Owens share their story of what works, and what doesn’t work when one partner has bipolar disorder.

“I read somewhere recently that the divorce rate when one marriage partner has bipolar disorder is 90%. While it seems kind of high to me, I suppose I understand it. In the 12 years I have been married to my wife, there have been many times when one or both of us was ready to quit. ” -Ron Owens, IBPF Blogger. Read more on Ron here.

“With bipolar disorder, you need to go into marriage with the mindset that each day is different; some days are harder than others, but no matter what, you need to give it your all. Both of you. Bipolar disorder is not an excuse. It is just something that makes things more complicated sometimes.” -Beka Owens, IBPF Blogger. Read more on Beka here.

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