Martin Kolbe and the Bipolar Roadshow

Martin’s story is dramatically fascinating, full of rises and falls, like the bipolar disorder. In the eighties, Martin was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, which kept him away from the musical scene for twenty years. He is just come out with a new wonderful record titled Songs from inside, which includes songs inspired from his experience as a psychiatric patient.Musician/composer Martin Kolbe earned great success in the 1970s and 80s with the acoustic guitar duo „Kolbe & Illenberger“. At the young age of 17 he released his first solo LP and from then on gradually achieved a reputation throughout Germany as guitarist and singer.

Together with fellow musician Ralf Illenberger he played more than 1.000 concerts in about 40 countries and released 7 joint LPs/CDs before he interrupted his musical career in 1987 due to mental illness, bipolar disorder. “I had to sort out my life first”, he says. Learn more about his music here.

He returned to the stage only in 2012, after a hiatus of 25 years. Unlike before, when he performed mainly as a guitar virtuoso, he now performs  songs that deal with mental illness,  based on his experiences in mental hospitals and on encounters with fellow-patients  he met there. In the spring of 2014 Martin Kolbe released a CD with this program: Songs from the Inside. Guitarist Peter Autschbach who accompanied him together with Ralf Illenberger on the “Bipolar Roadshow” in May 2014 supported him during the recording sessions.

Since 2008 Martin Kolbe has been involved with the German Society for Bipolar Disorders (DGBS). In 2011 he was elected as patients’ speaker on the board of the DGBS. He is convinced that the only way to fight stigma – which still is a heavy burden on the mentally ill-, is talking openly about this frightful illness.  He walks his talk  as proven in numerous press articles, radio and TV interviews.



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We want to see you at Starry Night!


Paul English Talks!


Hear his powerful story of co-founding 6 start-ups and founding 4 non-profits including the Bipolar Social Club!

Stay tuned for more exciting details!