Georgiana Lotfy is a Licensed Marriage Family Therapist, and teacher who has worked with children, individuals and couples, for over twenty years. For ten years she supervised and trained Marriage Family Interns who worked with traumatized (Trauma Focused CBT) foster children and their families at Star View Community Services in Long Beach. She has a Private Practice and consults with agencies on Prevention of Vicarious Trauma. She specializes in treating severe mental illness, survivors of trauma andAddiction. She is an accomplished public speaker, providing lively, interactive and informative multi-media presentations on Compassion Fatigue and Prevention of Vicarious Trauma. She also facilitates restorative mindful meditation workshops, has written two books about Walking the Labyrinth as a Spiritual Tool. She has created and narrated APPs for iPhone and Android devices. Her FREE App is available by searching your APP store for “Room to Breathe.” She released a Meditation cd, entitled “Heal Your Love: Mindful Christian Meditation.” She holds a Masters in Psychology and a Doctorate in Ministry.