Barry Shainbaum is an icon of survival and success. Today, he is a renowned public speaker, broadcaster and celebrated photographer, acclaimed for documenting some of the world’s most famous and heroic individuals.
Twenty five years ago, however, none of this seemed remotely possible. For years, Barry suffered the personal hell of bipolar disorder. Hitting bottom was a swirling cloud of suffering and poverty, as he languished for over a year in a skid-row boarding house. Through psychotherapy, medicine, self-study and visualization amongst others, Barry defied all medical labels to overcome bipolar disorder. Against all odds, he completely turned his life around.
In this webinar, Barry Shainbaum will share the recovery plan which he created. This includes insights gained from a spiritual search for meaning and purpose through 27 years of psychotherapy, and 18 years of medication. He will show how hope grew from despair, how in time, every obstacle presented an opportunity, and how the kindness of a nurse 43 years ago was integral to his recovery. For the last decade, Barry has brought his message of hope and survival across North America.
In 2011, he won the Eliana Roman Memorial Award in Toronto, for being a “leader in the advancement of human rights, and for inspiring others to find their voices.” As a professional speaker, he shares his message of hope in hospitals, mental health agencies, schools, corrections, corporations, seniors groups and the faith community.
Barry is the author of two books: Hope & Heroes, and Dancing In The Rain. His radio show, Perspectives, broadcasts in four cities west of Toronto, Ontario, and all shows are streamed live through his website, and podcast also: www.barryshainbaum.com/radio.html. Many of the topics are mental health related.
Barry Shainbaum has been featured in the Los Angeles Times, FOX TV – New York City, Toronto Star, Toronto Sun, Canada AM, Breakfast TV, TV Ontario and numerous radio stations across North America.