Psych Byte: Postpartum Bipolar Disorder

Dyane defines postpartum bipolar disorder (bipolar, peripartum onset),
a perinatal mood and anxiety disorder which is also a form of bipolar
disorder. She was diagnosed with postpartum bipolar disorder in 2007 after
the birth of her second child. She touches upon postpartum psychosis
(another perinatal mood and anxiety disorder) and explains its connection
with postpartum bipolar. Lastly, Dyane shares several key tools that
helped her achieve mood stability. These modalities include a specific
style of exercise recommended by a noted psychiatrist for mood stability,
companion pets, bibliotherapy, and Shinrin-roku (“forest bathing”).

• Dyane’s website.
• Birth of a New Brain blog.
• Twitter: @DyaneHarwood
• Facebook Author Page.
• Mom & Mind Podcast with Dr. Katayune Kaeni

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Paul English Talks!


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