Resilience, the Hallmark of Health with Dr. Jennifer Bahr

Dr. Jennifer Bahr, ND draws from her unique perspective gained from experience in both conventional and natural medicine as well as both doctor and patient to discuss what she has learned to be the most important hallmark of health resilience. In this talk, Dr. Bahr shares her perspectives on health and resilience based on both physical and emotional markers, as well as some guidelines on how she achieves this for herself and her patients.   

Dr. Jennifer Bahr is a licensed naturopathic doctor that specializes in the natural treatments for mental illness and endocrine disorders. Dr. Bahr is among the most highly trained doctors in this field. In fact, she is the only doctor to have completed a naturopathic residency focused on the homeopathic treatment of mental illness. Dr. Bahr brings a unique perspective to treating all of her patients. She combines excellent clinical skills, targeted lab testing, and compassion rooted in life experiences to her practice, making a visit with her truly a better healthcare experience.  

Visit her website here

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