SNAP – Sleep, Nutrition, Activity and People – uses scientifically-based strategies that address four key factors that influence bipolar symptoms. Using this plan, people with bipolar disorder learn to develop good sleep hygiene, eat a diet that promotes mental health, implement a plan for physical activity and learn to create and maintain healthy and supportive interpersonal relationships. These strategies, which reduce the frequency, intensity and length of bipolar symptoms, and tools to support their implementation, are the focus of her new book: Preventing Bipolar Relapse (Harbinger, 2014). This webinar was recorded on June 4th, 2014.
Ruth C. White, PhD, MPH, MSW is Clinical Associate Professor in the School of Social Work at the University of Southern California.
She earned her PhD in Social Welfare from the University of California, Berkeley and her Bachelor and Masters in Social Work from McGill University in Montreal (Canada). She is also lead author (with John D. Preston) of Bipolar 101: A practical guide to identifying triggers, managing medications, coping with symptoms and more (Harbinger, 2009). She is currently writing a book on mental well-being for a general audience.
Her expertise and experience with bipolar disorder and mental health has been featured in Woman’s Day and Black Enterprise magazines, the Seattle Times, and on Huffington Post. She has presented and lectured on the topics at the Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, Washington University (St. Louis) and in major Spanish-speaking outlets worldwide.