Russ Federman, Ph.D., ABPP is in full-time private practice in Charlottesville, VA. He’s previously had a 23 year career in university mental health: Director of Mental Health Services, East Carolina University from 1991-2000 and Director of Counseling and Psychological Services at University of Virginia, 2000-2013. Dr. Federman is a licensed psychologist, a Diplomate in Clinical Psychology through the American Board of Professional Psychology and a member of the editorial board for the Journal of College Student Psychotherapy. Dr. Federman is co-author of Facing Bipolar: The Young Adults Guide to Dealing with Bipolar Disorder (New Harbinger, 2010. His 2011 journal article – Treatment of Bipolar Disorder in the University Population won writing awards from both American College Health Association and the Association of University and College Counseling Center Directors). He has contributed two chapters to the 2012 book – Healthy Living with Bipolar Disorder (International Bipolar Foundation). Dr. Federman currently writes an ongoing blog for the Psychology Today e-magazine titled “Bipolar You.” Further information about Dr. Federman’s work can be found at www.RussFederman.com and www.BipolarYoungAdult.com ??This webinar will focus upon the salient aspects of treating students with bipolar disorder during their university years. Strong focus will be given to the necessary interface of current treatment approaches with the realities late adolescent adult identity formation and conformity with university lifestyle norms. The role of a university-based support group will also be highlighted as an essential aspect of contemporary treatment approaches.