The Five Faces of “Normal” with John McManamy

“Normal” is the most overlooked manifestation of bipolar disorder, according to award-winning author and expert patient, John McManamy. It’s not enough to assume that once people get their bipolar under control they can simply navigate their way back to normal. Especially if no one has any concept what normal is supposed to look like. On one hand, those with bipolar may operate within a much wider bandwidth of “up” and “down” than the rest of the population. What may come across as unusual behavior to others may be perfectly ordinary – and even beneficial – to someone disposed to thinking deep or inclined to exuberance. On the other hand, normal is often an extremely frightening place, with no break from the raging storms that play out inside the brains of its victims. At the same time, it is also the repository of all that is good inside every one of us, together with all our hopes and dreams.

In this eye-opening webinar, John McManamy explores the many facets of “normal,” and in the process opens the way to a new understanding among patients and their loved ones, and clinicians.

John McManamy is an expert patient, and the award-winning author of Living Well with Depression and Bipolar Disorder.In 2015, he embarked on the ambitious six-book publishing project, The Bipolar Expert Series, dedicated to helping patients become their own experts. The first book in the series, NOT JUST UP AND DOWN: UNDERSTANDING MOOD IN BIPOLAR DISORDER, recently became available on Amazon. In addition, John McManamy has been active in DBSA and NAMI. He lives outside of San Diego, and enjoys getting out in nature and playing the didgeridoo. For more on John McManamy, please check out his new website, John’s email address

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