Ms. Nadler-Moodie is currently in full time, self-employed practice as a consultant to hospitals regarding psychiatric care, regulatory, quality and nursing issues.. In addition she is the Clinical Nurse Specialist at Scripps Mercy Hospital, Behavioral Health Services as she has for the past 17 years. In addition Ms. Nadler-Moodie is a Psychiatric Hospital Surveyor for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) and periodically an adjunct professor for National University.
She has worked in the field of Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing for more than 40 years, at least 35 years as an Advanced Practice Nurse. Ms. Nadler-Moodie has worked in many settings including inpatient acute care psychiatry and consultation-liaison, outpatient, home care, quality assurance and staff development as well as education. She pioneered a Scatter-Bed system of hospitalizing acute psychiatric patients on general medical units and for many years she was the curriculum developer, coordinator and primary instructor for the University of California, San Diego Certificate Program in Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing.
Ms. Nadler-Moodie is the co-author of a book about general hospital psychiatry and is the primary author and co-author of recent publications in professional journals regarding New Graduate Residency Programs direct into Psychiatry, SAFE (Specialty Adult Focused Environments) units, The One Hour Face to Face Assessment of Patients in Restraints and Psychiatric Emergencies in Med-Surg. She is a guest presenter on these and similar topics both nationally and internationally.
Ms. Nadler-Moodie is an active member of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association currently serving as President. She is a member of the National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists and its California Affiliate, the CACNS and served for eight years as a Content Expert for ANCCs Adult Clinical Nurse Specialist Panel. Currently she is a core member of the Emergency Nurses Associations Psychiatric Education Committee which is working on an electronic educational program for emergency room nurses in the care of psychiatric and/or behaviorally problematic patients.
In 2009, she was honored with the American Psychiatric Nurses Associations Annual Psychiatric Nurse of the Year Award.