The Use of Song as a Therapeutic Tool.

In this webinar Dr Gaspare Palmieri and Dr Cristian Grassilli show the use of songs in a therapeutic setting for psychiatric disorders. They will explain the use of popular songs in group therapy for inpatients and will provide examples of songwriting in psychiatric rehabilitation. They will also focus on the use of their original songs from project “Psicantria” in psychoeducation and stigma prevention.

Gaspare Palmieri, MD, Phd, is an Italian psychiatrist and songwriter. He works in general adult psychiatry at Private Hospital Villa Igea in Modena (Italy). He has produced 20 publications in national and international journals on suicide prevention, stigma and psychotherapy research. He is co-promoter of project “Psicantria”, for the use of the songs as a psychoeducational tool.

Cristian Grassilli is an Italian psychotherapist, music therapist and songwriter. He works in private practice and for several association for prevention of psychological disorders and education in Bologna and Modena (Italy). He is co-promoter of project “Psicantria”, for the use of the songs as a psychoeducational tool.

Here is the link to the song “Bipolar Cowboy”

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