Avoiding Alcohol and The 3rd Degree

Alcoholism is well known in my family, on both of my parents’ sides. This doesn’t mean I do not drink because of this, but I have never been “drunk.” I have will power and know my limits. I don’t find the attraction in getting to the point where things are blurry and I may get sick. And having bipolar disorder, I know alcohol cannot mix sometimes. It’s like mixing multiple kinds of alcohol, it can become a bad outcome in the end. Is that the way for me? Luckily I have no idea because I’ve never gotten to that point. 

But, New Year’s Eve is coming up. That means, usually, party! Most New Year’s parties I’ve attended or heard of involve alcohol, sometimes in unlimited amounts. 

So, what to do? How do you avoid feeling weird by being one of the few that are not drinking? I have a few tips to help you get through New Year’s Eve. 

Tip #1: Make yourself designated driver. If you are designated driver, you have a simple reason for why you cannot drink. No one has to know if there is another reason why you aren’t drinking. If anyone asks, you have an easy five word solution: “I can’t, I’m designated Driver.” 

Tip #2: Always have a cup of non-alcoholic liquid with you. If someone sees you without a drink, they may feel inclined to get you a drink. If they see you with a cup with any color liquid in it, they won’t care to question if it’s alcoholic or not because they will usually assume it is alcohol. 

Tip #3: If you do drink, limit yourself! Set limits ahead of time and keep them. Such as not drinking more than 2 beers or not drinking any hard alcohol. Moderation is key.

Tip #4: Stay close to a friend. They can help you stick to the limits you set or let you have a small amount of their drink so you still feel like you are participating. I went to a bar/club once with a couple good friends of mine and I did not buy anything except water. I took very small sips of their drinks when offered because we were all fine with it.

Tip #5: If you decide to drink, EAT before you DRINK. This is very important. Food absorbs alcohol, meaning it won’t hit you as hard. Also drink water. Alcohol makes you dehydrated. Drinking water will help you stay hydrated and dilute the alcohol in your system. 

Don’t feel pressured to feel the pressure of alcohol. You can go out to anyplace and have fun. Bars, clubs, work functions, family parties, they usually have music and good people. Let your curls and mullets down and dance the time away to the New Year.

Read the rest of Michele’s blogs here

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