
Something I am Proud Of:

I have been living with the diagnosis of Bipolar 1 since 2001. It has been quite the journey and I have learned a great deal in 23 years of managing my diagnosis.  

 On June 14, 2024, I celebrated 10 years of stability. While it hasn’t been easy, I do have a great support system and this is what I’m most proud of. I have a psychiatrist who has worked hard to find a combination of medication that helps with stability. I have a wonderful husband and I love being a mom to my daughter. I’m most proud of my little family. I also have a great group of mom friends who help support me and have been understanding through the years. I am lucky to have a job that is aware of my diagnosis and I am able to be honest if I’m not feeling my best. 


Message for Newly Diagnosed:

What I would say to others who are newly diagnosed, find an advocate who can go to doctor appointments with you. I would also be gentle with yourself. I truly believe managing Bipolar takes stamina and hope. For years, I was not as open to sharing my diagnosis. My friends and family have been understanding and walk the journey with me. I have been fortunate that I can stay employed. Through the years, I’ve had to learn that our life trajectory can change with each episode. And to keep moving forward, whatever that forward looks like 

The first year of my diagnosis, I had several inpatient stays. I finally came to the realization that if I took the medicine that I felt better and over time, things calmed down. It can be scary to receive your diagnosis, but when I think of all the health conditions I could have, I’m grateful to be Bipolar. I have often said, it is a  part of me, but will never define me. Sometimes we put limits on ourselves, but Bipolar can be managed and you can live a full life. I am fortunate that my advocate is my husband and I’m very proud that in our 18 years of marriage, we are a team and managing my diagnosis is a priority.  

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