
Something I am Proud Of:

I am a shy guy with poor self-esteem, so I didn’t have many friends, was bullied, and traumatized as a kid. Things got worse when I left home to pursue my bachelor degree. I was unaware about my condition and behavior, until it reached climax and I realized I was in danger. I decided to seek for professional help. Once diagnosed, it felt like a nightmare because my conservative family wasn’t aware of mental health, due to their religious faith. It’s hard for me to explain what is going on to my friends, and I felt so alone. I’ve created different personas, and the journey wasn’t easy. I’ve had to adapt to several medicines and validate my own emotions. I’ve been rejected from jobs and wondered how I’d make a living, so I lied and tried functional ordinarily. However, it’s been years since then. I’m still fighting to survive, but now I have a master degree and a decent job in managerial position, something I would never imagine that I could achieve. The journey has long way ahead, with struggles I may face. No matter what, I proud of myself for being alive and surviving.

Advice For Newly Diagnosed:

At first, it might be confusing and difficult to cope with your situation. The most important thing that once you get diagnosed, don’t be focus with the illness that you get. All you have to do is to find a way to make yourself functional and get a healthy coping mechanism. No one will understand you better than yourself. When you got relapsed, validate your emotions and let it through. The dark times will fade away soon and make affirmation that no matter what happen, you are precious and deserve to be happy. Maybe not now, but soon you see the light at the end of the tunnel.


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Paul English Talks!


Hear his powerful story of co-founding 6 start-ups and founding 4 non-profits including the Bipolar Social Club!

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