Bipolar General: My Forever War with Mental Illness

Bipolar General: My Forever War with Mental Illness is now available!

“Following decades of achievement, I rocketed into full-blown mania. My boss, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, gave me a choice, “…resign or be fired…and get a psychiatric evaluation!” Plunging into hopeless depression and terrifying psychosis, doctors diagnosed me with bipolar disorder type 1 with psychosis. In “bipolar hell” for two years, I was hospitalized, prescribed various medications and therapies (including electroconvulsive therapy), and finally, began to recover, due mainly to lithium. Brutally candid, this is my story: from success, to bipolar onset in combat, crisis, recovery, new life, and lessons learned. This book and its lessons apply to all those touched by mental illness – the afflicted, the affected, and caregivers – virtually the entire population.” – Gregg F. Martin, PhD 


“Exemplary human, or mentally ill? There’s no clear line between the two, as this entertaining memoir will show you. Mental illness in the U.S. military? You bet. General Martin led battalions into war, and now he leads again, demonstrating that bipolar disorder can enable spectacular performance, even for years—and that after crashes into severe depression, full recovery and a rich life is possible.”—Jim Phelps, MD, author of A Spectrum Approach to Mood Disorders

“This unflinching, harrowing, and inspirational book is utterly unique. No senior military leader has ever ripped back the curtain and told their personal struggle with mental illness. A distinguished soldier-scholar-leader, courageous combat commander, and devoted family man, Maj. Gen. Gregg Martin epitomized success—but when he was suddenly removed from command, it shocked everyone, until we learned of his bipolar disorder. I’m enormously proud of how Gregg Martin has handled this stretch of stormy seas, emerging stronger than ever. Bipolar General is an important and magnificent book.”—Adm. James G. Stavridis, USN (Ret.), 16th Supreme Allied Commander at NATO and author of The Leader’s Bookshelf

“Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Gregg Martin’s memoir paints a brutally honest portrait of a high-ranking military officer’s debilitating, but ultimately redemptive, experience with bipolar disorder. For civilians, this memoir provides a fascinating glimpse into the life of an accomplished Army officer. It also underscores the complicated relationship between the military and psychiatric illness. This book will help anyone struggling with bipolar disorder better understand their illness and feel less alone. A person of prodigious knowledge and talents, Martin turns his lived experiences with bipolar disorder into life lessons for all of us.”—Dr. Holly A. Swartz, MD, Professor of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh; Editor-in-Chief, American Journal of Psychotherapy; Treasurer, International Society for Bipolar Disorders

“This is a groundbreaking and courageous book—the first of its kind. A senior military officer reveals his personal battle with bipolar disease in an effort to reduce the stigma that so many in public service still attach to mental illness. Kudos to Gregg Martin for his willingness to share his journey from a nightmare back to good health.” — Ambassador Wanda Nesbitt, former Senior Vice President of National Defense University


Gregg F. Martin, Ph.D., is a 36-year Army combat veteran, retired 2-star general, and bipolar survivor, thriver, and warrior. His book is entitled Bipolar General: My “Forever War” with Mental Illness. Check out General Gregg’s Corner here!


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