Breaking the Window on Stigma

Before I knew that I have Bipolar Disorder, I barely knew what it was.  I thought I did, but now I realize I didn’t know much about it at all.  Since being diagnosed I’ve done a great deal of research and study on BPD for a book that I’m writing.  With all that I’ve learned, it’s made my whole life make sense for the first time.  I understand now that Bipolar is one of the most complicated mental health disorders there is to diagnose. 

It’s Become a Passion

Not only have I learned to live with it every day, and I finally have the right treatments; but it’s also become a passion for me.  Mental health issues in general are a passion.  What I mean is I have a need to help other people who are also suffering.  So much I started a new website a few weeks ago geared toward helping people with mental health issues and / or a history of abuse.  It’s called ‘Breaking the Window’. 

An Opportunity Presents Itself

The website description is “Helping to Break Stigma against Mental Illness and Abuse; One Window at a Time. Stigma Hurts! Every Time!

The mission statement is “to reach out to people in all areas of life to help, empower, inspire, and educate them in an effort to help break the stigma in the world surrounding Domestic Violence and Mental Health issues; and to help those suffering to build healthier, happier lives.”

Do you have a story to tell about living with mental illness or abuse?  Are you a professional working in the mental health or abuse industries with some information to share?  Are you living with someone who has mental illness?  Breaking the Window is looking for Guest Writers.  If you would like to submit a guest post, I would love to hear from you.  Just click here to go to the site, where you will find Guest Post Guidelines and contact information. 

If We Work Together we can Kill Stigma

The truth is there can never be enough websites, advertisements, or people talking about mental illness.  We need to plaster it everywhere so everyone can become aware of it, and the truths involved.  Every time one of us talks about our problems with mental illness and someone is educated on the issues, there is one less person believing the lies of stigma.  Breaking the Window was born out of the responsibility I feel to talk about it as much as I can.  How about you?  What are you going to do today to help kill stigma?

by Carley Cooper;  Website:; Blogs:  Breaking the Window, Worship Melodies and Tin Roof Sundae.  Also connect with me on Facebook and Twitter.  Photo credit: Paul Duarte Photography

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Paul English Talks!


Hear his powerful story of co-founding 6 start-ups and founding 4 non-profits including the Bipolar Social Club!

Stay tuned for more exciting details!