Depression and the Plot of Your Life

Sometimes you’re not depressed, you’re just not happy. And given the world we live in with stress, and the realities of the plot of our lives, it’s hard to decipher the difference between chemical depression and self-inflicted depression.

How do you know if you are chemically depressed or simply emotionally upset from the plot of your life?

We’re in charge of both our environmental depressions and our chemical ones, so trying to figure out what’s up is really the challenge.

My mind is fine. The plot of my life, not so much. So the question remains, staring me down in the face.

Are you creating a world that feeds depression, or is it happening as a beast on its own?

It’s very hard to determine, but at least you have a compass to know if things in the plot of your life are bad and you can change it. It may be scary, sad, or cause fear, but at least you know the difference.

Are you in a bad relationship? — environmental plot.

Are you fat and hate it? — environmental plot.

Are you in a fight with your brother? — environmental plot.

And the plot list for life will go on and on till you write it down and start taking control.

A pill may help depression. The plot of your life that may cause depression can’t be treated that way. All you can do is clean it up, which is way harder.

Like I said, there is no pill to pop. The strength has to come from within.

Take a good look at the plot of your life. Examine it and see what you need to do, sans medication for your already understood chemical imbalance, to find a healthy place.

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