Elle McCoy

Elle McCoy is the name. Bipolar awareness is my aim. I hail from a town in Louisiana small enough to only contain six red-lights, but big enough to house a Super Walmart (a girl is allowed some bragging rights). Our three, town commodities are corn, cotton and catfish – alliterations were all the rage growing up. To this day, the pronunciation of “wasp” is an inconceivable feat; it ends up sounding more like “wawst”. This should give the readers some indication of how detestable my Southern drawl is. I have been an official member of the bipolar community since the age of sixteen.

I graduated college with a Bachelor’s Degree in Speech Communication. I realized early on that mania can be incredibly beneficial in a field that promotes rampant chatter and exposed expression. I minored in Art History for two very specific reasons: I found the psychological reasoning behind an artist’s work utterly fascinating and I have absolutely no talent, so creating masterpieces of my own was not an option. In Fall 2013, I will begin classes towards my second bachelor’s degree. In the years to come, I have every intention of adding a master’s degree to my wall of framed diplomas. Professionally, I make my living in the museum realm. Existentially, I am constantly on the search…

Random Factoids:
• I am a McCoy of the Hatfields and McCoys.
• My only form of aerobic exercise is dancing in front of the mirror for at least an hour each night. 
• I read the dictionary for fun – to me, it’s a stone-cold blast!
• My biggest dream would be to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (and graduate with Honors).
• I was once told by a psychic that kiwi was my mystical fruit.
• I am terrified of planes, but have traveled around Europe twice.
• Raphael is my favorite Ninja Turtle – I find his rebellious nature intoxicatingly attractive (same goes for homosapiens, as well as reptiles).

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We want to see you at Starry Night!


Paul English Talks!


Hear his powerful story of co-founding 6 start-ups and founding 4 non-profits including the Bipolar Social Club!

Stay tuned for more exciting details!