Haiku Train: Railways

Author: Sophia Falco



may be the way live without

street signs spelling out

starlit sky does not

equate to lit torches fire

still seeing darkness

energy to moon

and back bursting with the blank


verbalize rather

not trip up tongue tied pen now

liberates mind

love is banned substance

myself gone missing since birth

trying to reclaim

elegance deceive

people who believe in me


two syllables said

“bipolar” scared me for my

future still here now

blue often ocean

remaining constant beauty

force in my life still

notes not notes music

the soundtrack of life silent

tears remain at will

bodies and bodies

not a hugger but hold my

hand help me feel safe

to be me not what

she wanted me to turn out

I’m out already

please know you are worth

happiness in the future

the future arrived


Blogger Bio

Sophia Falco is a faithful poet since she finds poetry essential to her understanding of the universe. She is the author of Farewell Clay Dove (UnCollected Press, 2021). In addition, she is the author of her award-winning chapbook: The Immortal Sunflower (UnCollected Press, 2019), the winner of the Mirabai Prize for Poetry, and was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Furthermore, Falco graduated magna cum laude along with the highest honors in the Literature Department at The University of California, Santa Cruz. Her Bachelor of Arts degree is in intensive literature with a creative writing concentration in poetry. She is honored to be starting a highly regarded Masters of Fine Arts (MFA) Program for poetry along with a teaching fellowship she accepted for Fall 2022. Falco is on her way to make her dream job become a reality to be a Professor of Poetry.

Learn more about Sophia and find more of her writing on https://www.sophiafalco.com/ or www.pw.org/directory/writers/sophia_falco

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Paul English Talks!


Hear his powerful story of co-founding 6 start-ups and founding 4 non-profits including the Bipolar Social Club!

Stay tuned for more exciting details!