
Author: Sophia Falco


The shaking of the hands

                         the shaking of the arms

                                      the shaking of the body

                          my hands

              my arms

my body

              but all

                          do not feel like mine anymore.

Who am I? “This is me.” To repeat that phrase

aloud while touching my heart was what they

advised me to do in hopes for me to feel

grounded once again. No—I am touching my

red shirt that covers my chest that covers the

heart space. There’s a space for my heart, but

this space stretches for too long, empty. I try to

believe it that yes—then I recalled a recent

heart to heart when my friend unprompted,

declared: “I love you.”


Blogger Bio

Sophia Falco

Sophia Falco is a faithful poet since she finds poetry essential to her understanding of the universe. She is the author of Farewell Clay Dove (UnCollected Press, 2021). In addition, she is the author of her award-winning chapbook: The Immortal Sunflower (UnCollected Press, 2019), the winner of the Mirabai Prize for Poetry, and was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Furthermore, Falco graduated magna cum laude along with the highest honors in the Literature Department at The University of California, Santa Cruz. Her Bachelor of Arts degree is in intensive literature with a creative writing concentration in poetry. She loves to take long walks on the beach to be in the presence of the water, and to witness the ocean’s vastness, blueness, and beauty.

Learn more about Sophia and find more of her writing on https://www.sophiafalco.com/ or www.pw.org/directory/writers/sophia_falco

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