How Writing Has Helped Myself And Others With Bipolar Disorder

By: Natalia Beiser

Writing a book has been one of my bucket list goals. However an autobiography about my life may not be of interest to many readers.   

I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder twenty four years ago. I consider myself to be a walking wealth of knowledge on the subject, and am confident that I can contribute in regard to the topic. I want to give back. This is why I write for IBPF.  

Sharing my experiences is therapeutic and the feedback that is received from the readers is enlightening. I have given my writing with those that may not see it otherwise and they are able to better understand my plight. I am not apt to share the experiences that I write about in my personal life.

I have given some of my blog entries to my employer, as at times they need to understand some of the physical issues that I experience due to the medication for bipolar disorder. I believe that their seeing the documentation in writing from the IBPF site makes my topic appear more credible versus discussing it. 

I wrote a blog entry about my experience with a mood stabilizer that successfully assists in controlling the bipolar disorder, but the medicine is rapidly killing my kidneys. It was a stressful, yet therapeutic piece to write. Sharing the blog article made the issue seem more real to some that need to “get it.”  

Through IBPF, I was able to explain to a family what their relative meant to me, and how her encouragement and love made her a fantastic natural support during some of my roughest times. Sharing her legacy was helpful and it was reported by her family that it was a truly meaningful gesture.  That was probably the biggest reward of all in writing for IBPF. 

I find that there is much satisfaction of seeing my work and name in print. It enables a boost in self confidence. There is always the hope that your thoughts may resound with someone that you do not know. Writing for IBPF is my way of sharing little bits of my life with the world. 

One can perform a great deal of introspection while writing for IBPF, and the feedback given by IBPF readers is fantastic. I would strongly encourage anyone that enjoys writing and giving back contact Aubrey Good with IBPF an e-mail. She has been very kind to work with and hopefully if you participate that you will feel as blessed as I do. 

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Paul English Talks!


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