Every morning I wake up and I look in the mirror
Sometimes I know who I see and that is me
Other times it is a stranger staring back at me.
Where did the years go?
When did my life become medication, therapy, support groups, and doctor’s appointments?
Will I ever be who I once dreamed of becoming or will those dreams be lost forever?
Every morning I wake up and I look in the mirror
Sometimes I just don’t have the energy to stay out of bed
Other times as I stare the fighter within me begins to awaken from its den.
Will today be the day?
Will I become who I dreamed of being?
Will I rise above my illness which seems to have taken over and consumed me?
Every morning I wake up and I look in the mirror
Every morning I remember that life is full of possibilities, adventures, and chances,
All of which the illness can’t take away from me.
Every morning I now wake up and I know it is going to be a fight
Every morning I put on my gloves, am guarded by those who have shown me nothing but unconditional love, and I
do not let this illness defeat me
Instead, I take my gloves and I fight,
And every day,
I win.