I Should Just Go

Often, there are times when we don’t want to do anything; nothing inspires, nothing motivates, nothing is uplifting. “It seems that the weight of the world is bearing down on me and I can’t possibly do anything about it-I should just go. It’s just one thing after another.” 

Moving forward after a bout with depression is one of the toughest roads to travel. You can see the road, but the rut that has been dug is a towering obstacle that just digging out of doesn’t seem possible, at times. One often needs a ladder, or a rope, or an extra hand to help back traveling onward, once again. 

The New Year is almost upon us. So, possibly coinciding with a change in season, if you’ve been feeling self-loathing over accomplishments and you want to ‘just go’, just go into the New Year with a stride under your feet with something positive to look forward to. It’s a new year, with new beginnings. This past year may have been difficult for several reasons. The New Year coming up opens the door for all new accomplishments to be discovered and for the old reasons to be swept away. 

It’s often debilitating when there is one issue after another, and aside from depression there is the mania of excitement for wanting something to be over and done with; an overabundance of energy with no outlet. It sometimes feels like a no-win situation; attitude shifts, outlook is bleak, lethargy sets in. It’s easier to get into a habit of not doing something, than it is actually attempting it, whatever ‘it’ might be. 

So I propose the following: New Year Goals. 

My wife and I are avid hockey fans. When we watch a game together it’s like nothing else matters-everything is right, and everything is cool. The one thing that stands out in every game is that a goal is always produced. 

Produce a list of goals from the far-fetched to the quick and easy win. This is a step in building self-worth. Not every goal can be a quick win, but they can sometimes be assisted with-don’t be afraid to yell out ‘Hey! Over here!’ We all need a pass from a supporting team member from time to time, and closing in on that net, (the end goal), is where we all should ultimately strive to go. Skate around those self-imposed barriers! Sometimes the home team wins, sometimes not-there is always another game to be played with more goals to be scored. We all have what it takes to lead in goals, we just have to make sure our shoes are laced and pads are on.  There will be falls along the way-but we get back up for the game of life. Enjoy the game! 

(Photo curtesy of:  www.peeweeaaaexpress.com)

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