Importance of Me

This past month I have been trying to hone in on my emotions as there is much going on in my life-two part time jobs, part time student, moving, and my upcoming wedding in May.  I filled out my mood chart indicating I am between feeling “normal” (or what I call mainstream) and mildly depressed.  I know there is a lot of “good” going on, but for some reason I cannot help but feel a sense of depression.  I will no longer have a place all to myself to retrieve to.  I like having my space.  It’s just a simple fact.  I have the notion that my significant other wants to be near me almost all the time.  I know this is a simple communication issue, but I feel weird saying “hey, I need my space” without offending him.  I realize we will have to talk and have him understand I may need some time to myself, even if only for a couple of hours. 

I have realized over time that in dealing with bipolar disorder I need to have “me” time.  I need to read, listen to music, jog, or write.  It helps ease all the tension that I get throughout the day.  It is my opinion that everyone that has bipolar disorder should have their “me” time and do something he/she enjoys at least once a day.  It helps ease one’s mind and hence their emotions.  I find that when I skip a day of not doing something I enjoy that I my mood shifts as fast as popcorn pops in a microwave.  It is kind of scary.  Medications help, do not get me wrong, but I think that can help only so far before one has to try to help themselves to.  Not only do I do therapy in a doctor’s office, but I do it at home too.  I’m sure my significant other will get it, but I just hope I say it in a way that does not cause offense.  I suppose I shall find out!

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Paul English Talks!


Hear his powerful story of co-founding 6 start-ups and founding 4 non-profits including the Bipolar Social Club!

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