Jessica Christenbury

Jessica Christenbury graduated from Clemson University, SC in 2005 with a degree in English. She has taught English and has been a copy editor, office manager, and writer. Recently diagnosed in January of 2014 with bipolar disorder, she has claimed to use this newfound knowledge as a way to educate herself and others on matters dealing with being a parent and the struggles that come along with having bipolar disorder. Her two children, ages 3 and 1, are 21 months apart making life interesting and providing lots of material to work with. She is currently working on a book about her life focusing on what being a mother is like while being diagnosed and the reactions of family and friends. She writes a blog,, and interacts with her followers answering questions and sharing poetry, ramblings, and observations. 

You can follow her comical, honest, and riveting tale of life at and



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