Justin Schleifer

J.S.Justin Schleifer transplanted to the Monterey Peninsula from the East Coast in 2005. He is a person with a wide array of experience. He has spent a brief amount of time in many career fields. He has been in education, business, sales, the Army National Guard, health care, among other areas. Justin spent much of his career working with educationally challenged, special needs, and at-risk youth in private boarding schools and non-profit therapeutic group homes. Nowhere in his professional careers does it say writer, doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist, or drug and alcohol counselor.

Quite simply, Justin is a survivor. He is a courageous individual with unfailing faith and commitment to working a program that not only keeps his sobriety but also manages his moods and works towards maintaining the stability of his bipolar fracture.

Justin wrote his book FRACTURES to help the reader find a connection and a place where they can see they are not alone in feeling the way they do.  Justin is currently giving book talks, speaking at schools and colleges, and appearing on radio and T.V. shows all in an attempt to share his story and message of hope. He hopes to educate people on the topics covered in his book, and help to reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness.

Justin is committed to working with others and to helping them to find their path in their own lives. He helps to facilitate teen groups and is a mentor. He makes sure that everyone is treated equally, and that each individual feels that they have a safe place to reach out and get help. He is committed to ensuring that the stigma surrounding addiction, LGBT, and mental health issues in our communities are brought into light and eradicated.

Justin spends his free time attending 12 step meetings, church, spending time in nature, reading, enjoying his time with friends, and traveling to see family on the east coast.

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