Introducing IBPF Assist, the new chat assistant for IBPF resources

IBPF Assist will be here on September 13th!

When you’re dealing with bipolar, timely and trusted information can be such a help. There’s so much valuable information on the IBPF website and sometimes it’s hard to know if the answer you’re looking for is there. So, IBPF Assist is our new chat assistant, and it will make it easier to get answers quickly. IBPF Assist accesses all the information on the IBPF website and gives you a summarized answer. But it may not be able to answer every question and it certainly does not replace or substitute for professional medical advice.

How IBPF Assist Works

Chat assistants like IBPF Assist are trained to understand and respond to your inquiries. IBPF Assist has been trained using all the data on the IBPF website and it will restrict his answers to what is on the IBPF website, because that is a trusted source of information.

When you ask a question, IBPF Assist processes your text to grasp the context and intent. IBPF Assist then formulates an appropriate response. Because IBPF Assist has only been trained on information on the IBPF website, there will be questions that it won’t be able to answer. But we will make a note of the questions that IBPF Assist can’t answer and work on improving that over time.

When IBPF Assist provides an answer, it will also provide a clickable link to the source for that answer, so that you can read that source to get more details. IBPF Assist will even provide links to the relevant IBPF videos and take you to the approximate location in the video where your question is discussed. This way, you can hear directly from experts on the topic you’ve asked about.

IBPF Assist’s Character

IBPF’s IBPF Assist is quite conservative. it will answer your questions by referring only to what is on the IBPF website, because that is a trusted source. IBPF Assist will be very honest and helpful, but it is not going to be creative. We’ve asked IBPF Assist to stick to what we know and trust on the IBPF website, so that it’s reliable for you.

The strengths and the limitations of assistants like IBPF Assist

One of the most significant advantages of assistants like IBPF Assist is their ability to provide instant responses. But IBPF Assist doesn’t replace or substitute for the advice of trained professionals in the medical field. IBPF Assist does not recommend any specific treatment, drug, food or supplement. You should never disregard professional advice that you have received or delay seeking advice because of an answer that IBPF Assist gives. A chatbot can guide you towards understanding a topic and direct you to resources, but consulting with a healthcare provider is critical for personalized assessment and treatment.

While IBPF Assist offers immediate answers, the foundation of those answers is the information on the IBPF website. This information includes many scientifically verified and trustworthy sources. And the IBPF website also includes patient and family stories that describe different lived experiences of bipolar disorder. Because of the variety of different sources for IBPF Assist’s answers, you will find it helpful to use the links that IBPF Assist provides, so that you can read or watch the original content.

IBPF Assist is not a substitute for professional medical advice

IBPF Assist can help you make the most of the valuable information that the IBPF has assembled for patients and families. IBPF Assist should be a complement to all the other work that the IBPF does and, of course, IBPF Assist does not replace or substitute for personalized medical professional advice.


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