Leslie A. Lindsay

Leslie Lindsay is a mother, wife, and writer living in Chicagoland. Her mother died by suicide in June 2015 after a lengthy battle of bipolar disorder with psychotic features; she was an interior decorator. Leslie is at work on a memoir, aptly titled, MODEL HOME in which she chronicles her childhood with a mentally ill mother. Leslie is an award-winning author of SPEAKING OF APRAXIA (Woodbine House, 2012).  Several of Leslie’s creative non-fiction pieces published on Gina Sorell’s ‘Discover Your Mother’ series, Beth Kephart’s Juncture Notes, PsychCentral, The Nervous Breakdown; and forthcoming in Common Ground Review, Manifest-Station, and BPHope; her interview with Laura McHugh was published in the back matter of the paperback edition of ARROWOOD (Random House, June 2017); and reviews books widely, welcoming bestselling and debut authors to her literary blog weekly. Leslie is a former child/adolescent psychiatric nurse at the Mayo Clinic.

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Paul English Talks!


Hear his powerful story of co-founding 6 start-ups and founding 4 non-profits including the Bipolar Social Club!

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