Morgan Matheson: Mindful Monday & Self-Love Selfie

Social media has become a powerful tool for connecting with friends and building a sense of community. Though, social media usage can have both positive and negative effects on mental health. On one hand, social media can provide a platform for people to connect and engage with others, fostering a sense of belonging and community. Contrastingly, excessive use of social media can lead to feelings of isolation, depression, and anxiety. 

It’s important to remember that while social media can be a powerful tool for connecting with friends and building a sense of community, it is also important to use it in moderation and be mindful of its potential negative effects on mental health. By being strategic and intentional about how we use social media, we can leverage it for the greater good in our communities. 

Despite the potential negative effects, social media can be leveraged for the greater good in our communities. Here are a few ways that you can use social media to make a positive impact: 

Mental Health Campaign: #MindfulMonday 

The objective is to raise awareness on the importance of mental health and to provide students  with resources and support to improve their well-being. 

Social media can be used to connect with classmates. Social media platforms such as Instagram,  Facebook, Snapchat, and Twitter could share information and resources about mental health, as  well as to encourage participation in the campaign. 

  1. Every Monday, a post will reveal a new theme related to mental health, such as stress  management, self-care, depression, or coping with anxiety. 
  2. Encourage students to participate in the campaign by sharing tips and experiences related  to the week’s theme. 
  3. Provide students with resources such as articles, videos, and infographics to help them  learn more about the theme of the week and how to improve their mental health. 4. Collaborate with school counselors and mental health professionals to provide students  with additional support and resources. 
Non-screen time activities: 
  1. Organize yoga and meditation classes at school to provide students with a chance to relax  and de-stress, and to learn new techniques for managing their mental health. 6. Organize nature walks to help students reconnect with nature, and to provide a chance to  enjoy fresh air. 
  2. Organize outdoor games and activities such as frisbee or soccer, to provide students with  a chance to socialize and have fun with their classmates. 
  3. Collaborate with local organizations to provide students with volunteer opportunities,  such as helping at a local food bank or animal shelter, to give them a sense of purpose  and help them make a positive impact in their community. 
  4. Organize art and craft classes to provide students with a chance to express themselves  and to learn new skills.

By using social media to connect with classmates and by providing a variety of non-screen time  activities, it aims to raise awareness about the importance of mental health and to provide  students with the resources and support they need to improve their well-being. 

Social Media Campaign: #SelfLoveSelfie 

The objective is to uplift and encourage classmates’ self-esteem and promote mental wellness and is student-based.  

  1. Create a dedicated hashtag, #SelfLoveSelfie, for the campaign to make it easy for  classmates to find and participate in the campaign. 
  2. Launch the campaign by posting a photo of ourselves with a caption about self-love and  self-acceptance. Students should encourage classmates to join the campaign by sharing  their own selfies and stories. 
  3. Share mental wellness resources such as articles, videos, and infographics to educate  classmates on how to improve their mental health and self-esteem. 
  4. Collaborate with school counselors to provide additional support and resources for  classmates who may be struggling with self-esteem and mental health issues. 5. Highlight classmates who have shared their selfies and stories of self-love to show that  self-love is something that everyone can strive for. 
  5. Reward participation in the campaign by giving out prizes or recognition to the  classmates who have been most active in promoting self-love and mental wellness. 

By creating a dedicated hashtag, sharing positive affirmations and resources, collaborating with  school counselors, and highlighting classmates, the social media campaign will uplift and  encourage classmates’ self-esteem and promote mental wellness. The rewards and recognition  also help to keep participation consistent and make the campaign more engaging.

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