My Recovery And The Role Of The International Bipolar Foundation In My Healing

By: Liz Wilson

Sobriety is the number one precursor to my success at Recovery. As an ex addict and person living with bipolar disorder, the International Bipolar Foundation has given me the opportunity to research and report to you on issues such as dual diagnosis and Drug Treatment Court.

Through my blogging I have found the opportunity to give freely what’s been given to me. To take the message on to others that dual diagnosis is not a death sentence nor does it have to be a life sentence; instead it’s an opportunity to learn and grow about myself, much of which has been done in the pages of

Safety planning webinars and links to agencies with conferences and trainings I was able to attend have given me strength in using my voice to speak out to those in recovery about the tough issues and the immense amount of hope there is for each of us.

Self-discovery is where International Bipolar Foundation was most impactful! Creativity webinar by my heroine; Dr. Kay Redfield Jamison parlayed into my blog Creative Minds Want to Know. I have blogged about my husbands and children and how they have fit into my bipolar recovery.

I can honestly say without hesitation that my work since 2015 with International bipolar Foundation my research for blogging and simply within their pages has been the strongest and most pointed time of recovery in my life!

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We want to see you at Starry Night!


Paul English Talks!


Hear his powerful story of co-founding 6 start-ups and founding 4 non-profits including the Bipolar Social Club!

Stay tuned for more exciting details!