Nobodysangel7775 Bio

I am a Writer/Author/Blogger. I am a twice divorced single Mother raising Two beautiful young girls. We also have two lovable puppy dogs who are very spoiled. I am also a recovering drug addict (Meth & Cocaine) and I used to have a pretty bad drinking habit too but I wouldn’t call myself an alcoholic. I spend my free time now writing, trying to spread my story and experience hoping to educate others about living with a Mental Illness while raising a Mentally ill child. It isn’t always easy. Sometimes I wonder if I am on the right Path. But I always put my Faith in the Lord to lead me and He never leads me astray. Our life is sometimes crazy, usually chaotic but always lovable & never dull.


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We want to see you at Starry Night!


Paul English Talks!


Hear his powerful story of co-founding 6 start-ups and founding 4 non-profits including the Bipolar Social Club!

Stay tuned for more exciting details!