Not a Problem for Today

I’m not sure where I learned this string of 5 words but it has been a mighty big help in my life! 

For example:  Today I was working on my Facebook page and for promotional purposes I wanted to view the people who had “liked” my page. I tried one button after the other until I began to get that “grrrr…” feeling. That’s when those 5 words came to mind: “NOT A PROBLEM FOR TODAY!” I remembered that my son is much better at working with computers and programs than I am, so I moved my Facebook goal from today’s list to tomorrow’s list. Relief caused my shoulders to relax, my forehead to un-crease and my breath to slow down. 

My 26 year old son came home from work and said “I heard rumors today that 4 of us guys will be laid off. Since I’m one of the newest employees, I bet I will get axed.”  His shoulders drooped as we talked a little more about the situation. He said “Sounds like we’ve got at least 3 weeks before anything happens.” I then reminded him of the “NOT A PROBLEM FOR TODAY” idea. He decided that he had worried enough for that day.  He wrote “Brainstorm about new job” on tomorrow’s calendar and left with his shoulders up and head erect.  

Of course, this quote cannot be used in all situations.  Sometimes the problem must be dealt with today but more times than not, it can be successfully and efficiently be delayed. 

So, there you have it.  5 words that can make a difference in your world today!

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