Something I am Proud of in My Journey:
Existing in a world where several days are seemingly impossible to conquer, there is optimism in light… For me light stems from gratitude, which is what I am most proud to have practiced throughout my Bipolar journey. The extent of my gratitude is endless, but I hold a special highlight for learning acceptance. There were several times I questioned and denied my illness due to shame and fear—question of character. I was conflicted on the validity of who I was as if this diagnosis would hinder my growth, leaving me stuck at potential. Eventually, light showed itself and I grew to accept my diagnosis, resulting in me thriving beyond my expectation. Alongside acceptance I also hold gratitude for community. My community has allowed me to create safe spaces to share stories and connect with others, moments I feel the most seen.
Message for Newly Diagnosed:
For those of you who are newly diagnosed…this is NOT the end. It sounds cliche but its truly a new beginning. The discovery and evolvement is a very, very beautiful journey. On low days, sit in those feelings, find gratitude that you’re able notice anything at all. When the days are moving second by second, find gratitude that you have movement you didn’t days or weeks prior. With the multitudes of feelings and emotions you experience you are an expansive being, able to heal and grow with so many other people. This can be your gift.