Paris Prynkiewicz

Something I am Proud Of:

A moment I am most proud of when it comes to managing my bipolar diagnosis is launching my podcast, “Master Your M.E.N.T.A.L” to share my story to inspire others on how to shatter the stigma, conquer obstacles and craft the life they want to live! I am proud of this because I view my diagnosis of bipolar 1 disorder as the biggest blessing of my life. It has given me the ability to create a platform to feature the most eye-opening and inspiring stories of mental health. My podcast has given me the confidence to step outside of my comfort zone to shatter the stigma I used to let run my life.

Advice for Newly Diagnosed:

My advice would be to have a strong support system, a solid daily routine and a commitment to prioritizing your mental health always. Never forget to take time for yourself, to celebrate your victories and to surround yourself with those who lift you up. Take the time to do some research on bipolar disorder to better familiarize yourself with the diagnosis. Educate those you love so they have a better understanding of your experience. Finally, always remember that you  are so much  more than just a diagnosis of  bipolar disorder. You are a beautiful person with a purpose in this life!

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We want to see you at Starry Night!


Paul English Talks!


Hear his powerful story of co-founding 6 start-ups and founding 4 non-profits including the Bipolar Social Club!

Stay tuned for more exciting details!