
Something I am Proud of in My Journey:

I experienced many years of mental illness symptoms, in and out of episodes of depression and elation, which meant that I faced an uncertain future – one without stability and no guarantee of personal safety. However, resilience kicked in back in 2019, following a hospital admission which led to my diagnosis. I began medication trials and several rounds of therapy, whilst still episodic which delayed treatment at times, but I worked with professionals, communicating what I thought was best for me, taking the reins and helping the National Health Service tailor my care to stabilise my moods and get me to a place of safety mentally. Following Diagnosis I fell into a dark period of denial and guilt which led to substance misuse and maladaptive behaviour – ultimately affecting all my relationships with those close to me. I single handily changed my destiny in 2023 – I headed in to a period of sobriety, began exercising outdoors: hiking, walking and strolling by the sea. I have got most of my answers and made peace with a lot of the past during my recent compliance with therapy, medication and learning to say no to what did not enrich my life. I am immensely proud of my recent achievements in that I have relocated by the sea – my happy place! I am now back working with Children, supporting their health and well-being. I am unsure how future episodes will effect me, but stand on a much stronger platform, and I have the insight now to know that life is precious, it must be safeguarded and every minute we have on this earth is a blessing! 

Message for Newly Diagnosed:

Be proud that you had the inner strength to survive to this point – being here and alive means that you have overcome all of you episodes that may have been misunderstood and confusing to you whilst undiagnosed! It is now your time to walk – step by step, down many different paths, and every action determines how you reach your own form of stability and wellness. You know your self more than anybody else will, have patience with yourself, recognise each symptom and episode and with professional help, you can become the best form of yourself – a more resilient being. You deserve a beautiful life!
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